18 USC § 2257/2257A


根据 1998 年的数字千年版权法案(美国版权局),

Manytoon.club will respond promptly to claims of copyright infringement reported to Manytoon’s designated copyright agent. Please note that under section 512(f) of the DMCA (17 U.S.C. § 512(f)), any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material or activity is infringing may be subject to liability.

If you believe that your copywriten work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please provide Manytoon’s copyright agent the following information:

Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit Manytoon to locate the material (such as the URL or video number);
Information reasonably sufficient to permit Manytoon to contact you: name, address, email, phone number, if available;
声明投诉方真诚地相信以被投诉的方式使用材料未经版权所有者、其代理人或法律授权; 和

18 USC § 2257/2257A

18 USC § 2257/2257A 记录保存要求合规声明。
Manytoon.club 不是网站 (Manytoon.club) 上任何和所有内容的制作者。 关于根据 18 USC § 2257 在本网站上找到的任何和所有内容的记录,请将您的请求发送到制作该内容的网站。

Manytoon.club 不是 18 USC §2257 和 28 CFR 75 定义的网站 (Manytoon.club) 上任何和所有内容的制作者,因此不受记录保存要求的约束。

Manytoon.club is a image sharing site in which allows for the uploading, sharing and viewing of various types of adult content and while Manytoon.club does the best it can with verifying compliance.

Manytoon.club 遵守以下程序以确保合规性:

要求所有用户年满 18 岁才能上传图片。
上传时,用户必须验证内容; 确保他/她18岁; 证明他/她在内容中保留了模型记录,并且年龄已超过18岁。
我们坚信,本网站上以实际色情视觉表现形式描绘的所有模特、演员、女演员和其他人在创作时均已年满 18 岁。 我们坚信,其内容出现在本网站上的每个制作人都符合其各自网站上的 18 USC §2257。

Manytoon.club 承诺尽其所能查找和终止滥用照片或/和视频。
如需更多帮助,请联系 [电子邮件保护] 合规性。